Wednesday, February 11, 2009


****--- There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, and who never did, who wont any more, and those who will. I am not worrying about the people from my past, there is a reason they arnt in my future.---****

Ain't that the truth!

Monday, February 2, 2009

So I'm trying this new fad they call "packing your lunch" haha...

It's my lunch hour and I just ate the salad I was really good but I just know I'll be hungry again in an hour or I also packed the 100 calorie snacks...I hope they hold me over =)

Monday's Mondays...well I guess I am kinda looking forward to kickboxing class tonight...somehow I've mangaed to get Grant to come on the nights he doesn't have basketball. My mom and brother have started going too and I can only hope my uncoordinated boy Steven goes!! I love him. I pray the instructor takes it a lil easy on us...Wednesday's class was absolute hell!

Gossip Girl ~ One Treehill ~ and True Beauty ~ are all on tonight....and should be new! Yessss! I'm way too obsessed with TV shows!

There's been a bit of a dark cloud hoovering over me since Friday. I haven't been able to sleep right and when I'm not busy doing something...I'm thinking about how much it bothers me! I don't even know what to do to make it go away...or how to explain without actually spilling the whole situation. I'm just hoping I can move past it....although it really hurt.

Okay...guess I have 30 more minutes to fill of lunch that I'm trying to eat in more =/



Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl is on....I'm so tired! I guess I'll cheer for the Steelers since I'm from PA...

This weekend has been so was a three day weekend too! Thanks to my work for having us take every other Friday off unpaid. :/

I'm not really looking forward to getting up for work tomorrow...I'd just like to sleep in and l0unge around all day. I hate this cold weather!

Funny Fact about T-bear.... every night...we'll let's say in the middle of the night he comes to my side of the bed and sits there staring at me grunting...(he is telling me to pick him up and put him on the bed) they have doggie stairs...which he uses in the day and every other time....but for some unknown reason at night he has to wake me up to pick him up....and if I don't get up...he gets louder and louder and the grunts turn to lil barks. What a brat!


So let's see...this is a fresh start to a new blog...I've been on LiveJournal and AOL blogs...but most of those go back so far in my life that I'd like to just start fresh.

So, my name is Tara and I live in Groveland with my husband Grant and our two pomeranians, Teddy & Rusty.

Grant and I got married recently on November 15, that the most beautiful day of my life! We got married at the Mission Inn Resort in Howey-in-the-Hills. It was goregous...and so much fun. We honey mooned to Play del Carmen in Mexico (first time for both of us to leave the country). It was awesome! I could probably go on and on about this experience but I'll save that for another blog.

Our two doggies, Teddy is 2 (11.17.06) and Rusty is 1 (10.15.07) they are both incredibly spoiled and well loved. I wish I could take them everywhere...or atleast that they could be so well behaved to do such a thing....

Grant and I moved in to our house in December of 2006...I think it was just two weeks later and there we were bringing 8 week old lil Teddy Bear home! I don't think a house can be a home without a doggie =). About a year later then we decided Teddy could use a good brother...and there came Rusty right before Christmas of 2007.

Grant and I both work the normal full time jobs and pretty much live pay check to pay check. Some people might feel pretty judgemental about that, but in this day and age...I don't even know how to get a head. It's not easy to get financially ahead...maybe one day we'll figure it out. Until then we are content....working our 40 hours a week, coming home cooking dinner together...watching american idol...and then spending Saturday night out with some friends.

Well...I think I'm going to stop for's Sunday and Sunday's = grocery shopping & laziness.
